
The App module functions as the controller of all other modules. It has no form fields, but contains several commands.

App: Commands

/modules (host, mods)

Shows an alphabetical list of all available modules and their current state – meaning ON or OFF. This command will only show modules that can be turned off (excluding room and timer, for example). The output of this command may look like this:

_pi_: /modules Notice: Modules and their state: autothanks (on), device (off), goal (on), leaderboard (on), notifier (on), panel (on), tipmenu (off), tipping (on), whisper (off)
/toggle (host, mods)

Most modules can be turned ON or OFF from the launch form, and during a cam-session with this command. As the name suggests, this command works as a toggle: when a module is currently ON it will be turned OFF and vice versa. Optionally you may provide the new state explicitly. Examples of this command:

_pi_: /toggle device Notice: _pi_ toggled module device ON

_pi_: /toggle device on Notice: _pi_ toggled module device ON

Modules that are turned OFF appear as non-existing: both their functionality and commands disappear.

/help (host, mods, users)

Provides command information for all users, depending on who you are (the host, a moderator or a user) and the state of modules. Only information is shown for modules that are turned ON and only for commands the user has access to. Access levels per command are only shown to host and moderators. With all modules ON and as host, the output of the help command will look like this:

_pi_: /help Notice: ----- AllInOneApp Help -----
Notice: Available commands:
Notice: /modules
Notice: /toggle
Notice: /tipmenu
Notice: /editmenu
Notice: /levelinfo
Notice: /device
Notice: /hightippers
Notice: /subject
Notice: /me
Notice: /away
Notice: /prefix
Notice: /whisper
Notice: /reply
Notice: /whisperlevel
Notice: /whisperignore
Notice: /goal
Notice: /goaltype
Notice: /goalamount
Notice: /goaldesc
Notice: /goalinfo
Notice: /leaderboard
Notice: /timer
Notice: /time
Notice: Type: "/help command" - for more info on a specific command. For instance: "/help tipmenu"
Notice: Type: "/help all" - for details on all commands.

The host and moderators have many commands available to them. In contrast, for a normal user the help output will look something like this:

random_user: /help Notice: ----- AllInOneApp Help -----
Notice: Available commands:
Notice: /tipmenu
Notice: /levelinfo
Notice: /hightippers
Notice: /whisper
Notice: /reply
Notice: /whisperlevel
Notice: /whisperignore
Notice: /goalinfo
Notice: /leaderboard
Notice: /time
Notice: Type: "/help command" - for more info on a specific command. For instance: "/help tipmenu"
Notice: Type: "/help all" - for details on all commands.

As the message specifies, you may add an argument to get information about a specific command. For instance, if you would like to know more about the leaderboard command, type: /help leaderboard and the output will look like this:

_pi_: /help leaderboard Notice: ----- AllInOneApp Help -----
Notice: ■ command: /leaderboard - aliases: /lb - access: broadcaster, mods, users
Notice: Show the leaderboard: a sorted overview of best tippers.

This tells us that the command /leaderboard has an alias /lb that works exactly the same (choose whichever you prefer), and that those two commands are available to everybody (broadcaster, mods, users).

NOTE: To prevent confusion, typing both /help command and /help /command will work fine.
/spy (host, mods)

This command allows you to spy on commands that other users attempt to execute. Its main function is for me to help hosts work with this app. It functions as a switch: type once to enable and again to disable. This command is currently hidden from the built-in help.

Using this command in chat may look like this:

_pi_: /spy Notice: You will now receive command notices.
Notice: robot tried command: /spy
Notice: robot tried command: /goal
Notice: robot tried command: /goalamount 10

_pi_: /spy Notice: You will no longer receive command notices.

User 'robot' was indeed a bad boy and trying out commands he has no access to:

robot: /spy
robot: /goal
robot: /goalamount 10

The attempts of this user to execute these commands had no result and nobody else noticed anything.

NOTE: The whisper-related commands are excluded from being spied upon, for obvious privacy reasons.