
The Leaderboard module provides functionality to show a list of top tippers. There are a few form fields and a single command.

Leaderboard: Form Fields


Like the other modules, the Leaderboard module may be completely disabled by setting Use leaderboard to No. It can be enabled during a cam-session by using the /toggle leaderboard command.

With the Interval time you can specify how often the leaderboard should be shown in public chat. The interval time is in minutes and may be entered as a fraction or in min:sec notation. So, for example, both 7.5 and 7:30 represent seven and a half minutes.

If the Interval time is set to 0, the leaderboard will not be shown automatically, but the /leaderboard command will still work (see below).

You may set the Number of items to either 3, 5 or 10.

In public chat, the leaderboard looks something like this:

Notice: ----- Leaderboard -----
Notice: 1. crown random_user (1234 tokens)
Notice: 2. crown robot (1100 tokens)
Notice: 3. another_user (491 tokens)
Notice: 4. jack_rabbit (283 tokens)
Notice: 5. pussy_cat (216 tokens)

Leaderboard: Commands

/leaderboard and /lb (host, mods, users)

This command shows the leaderboard that is also shown automatically at the Leaderboard interval time. It is available for all users. When run as host or moderator, the interval time will be reset.